
Wet Silence by Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Wet Silence - poems about hindu widows by Sweta Srivastava Vikram is the latest addition to her ever increasing collection.

Yet again Sweta has surpassed herself. This collection of poems is disturbing yet alluring, passionate yet tragic.

Sweta has depicted the colourless life of a widow perfectly in her poems and each of them are like a powerful weapon hurled on the face of this patriarchal society.

Readers will be taken on a roller coster ride of emotions, visiting "the rooms we built where sorrow would never find us" yet paradoxically where "the silence became my lover."

A widow's inner sufferings are chaotic, full of desire, passion, memories, self loathing and yearning. But on the outside they are forced to hide their feelings and lead a barren life. They are forced to sacrifice their life in the name of honour.

The book also reveals the hypocrisy of the society that claims to look after its members but has in fact failed to address the plight of a widow.

All in all, a fantastic and thought-provoking read which is hard to put down.

A review by Smita Singh

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